Be Grateful and Be Appreciative

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Time and health are two valuable assets that we do not appreciate until they are no longer available.

“Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.” – Denis Waitley.​

Think again if your unhappiness is eating away at your soul and you believe everything you own is going to waste. Take a look around you. What do you think you see? What do you think you smell? What do you think you hear? When was the last time you looked at the sky? Have you taken a good look at it? Are you able to appreciate the sound of rustling leaves in the wind? Or the feel of grass beneath your toes?


Consider having all of these things taken away from you. Consider losing your senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Take some time to consider what you’re missing out on.


Imagine losing all of your senses for the rest of your life. Isn’t it really difficult? Because life as you know it has come to an end, you’d probably feel compelled to end your life right then and there. Nothing will ever be the same again in your life.


Fortunately, the above is only an exercice. But it’s a powerful one. I hope it has helped you realize how insignificant all of your issues are in comparison to having everything – literally everything – taken away from you.

Here are ten things to be grateful for in life: 

1. Life

You’re given a fresh start every day you wake up. You have a new chance to start over, to make amends, and to make a difference in the world. Try to live each day as if it were your last, rather than trudging through it as if you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Every day, live as though it’s going to be the best day of your life! 


2. Family

Always make time to interact with your family, no matter how hectic life becomes. You would be nothing if it weren’t for your parents who gave you life. If you have siblings, you should learn to value them as well. Spend quality time with your extended family if you have any. Everyone in your family played a role in shaping you into the person you are today.


3. Friendship

It’s crucial to have people you can rely on. You have someone with whom you can share your thoughts and feelings. They can help you improve your life, and you can help them improve theirs as well. Have in-depth discussions with your pals. 


4. Good health

It’s common for good health to go unnoticed. Learn how to look after your body. We’re only reminded to be grateful for our health when we are sick. Even the least discomfort can be quite inconvenient, especially in the case of chronic and critical illnesses.

5. It’s all about love 

Whether it’s romantic or platonic love, self or selfless love, the expression “love makes the world go round” holds a lot of truth. You come alive when you’re in love. It inspires you to get out of bed earlier, walk with a spring in your step, smile and laugh more frequently, and make a variety of other positive adjustments.  


6. Laughter   

No matter how horrible you think your life has gotten, there are plenty of things to laugh about. Laughter has several benefits, including the power to improve your health. You can lower your stress levels by laughing. When you laugh with someone, you immediately establish a bond with them.


7. Tears

Tears may be viewed negatively, but they aren’t always terrible. Tears are sometimes required. It helps in putting life into perspective. It increases your appreciation for life and laughing. 


8. Nature

While there is less natural beauty now than there was millennia ago, there is still plenty to enjoy. Even if you live in the middle of a concrete jungle, you can still appreciate Mother Nature. Take pleasure in the freshness that plants and trees provide. Take a look at the animals that are feeding on grass. Observe and be fascinated at how nature reclaims what is really hers in abandoned locations.


9. The passage of time 

We don’t have a limitless amount of time on our hands. The truth is that our bodies begin calculating down how much time we have left the moment we are born. We don’t know when it will end, which is why we must not allow small problems to knock us down. Let us take use of the little time we have on this world. 


10. Yourself

You, of course. Learn to love and respect yourself. Nobody is perfect, including you. However, since your mother gave birth to you, you’ve come a long way. Consider all of your accomplishments and failures, as well as your ambitions and dreams. Then think about the folks you’ve encountered along the route and how you’ve been able to help them in some way. Consider what kind of legacy you want to leave.


Learn to value everything you have – both good and bad – in your life. Finally, they all come together to create a one-of-a-kind living experience designed to push you and bring out the best in you. Your happiness will become apparent not only to yourself, but to everyone around you, when you stop worrying about everything and start appreciating every small thing in life.

Gratitude Journal You’ll Love

Start With Gratitude Journal 52 Week Guide To Develop An Attitude Of Gratitude

Start With Gratitude Journal 52 Week Guide To Develop An Attitude Of Gratitude

Self development journal to focus on being thankful about different things in your life. This 6×9 book of 106 pages is designed with inspirational quote and 4 lines for each day to write things you are grateful for. Perfect as a gift or for yourself!


About the Author

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Linhy Banh

I'm Linhy, a proud mom, business owner, and content creator (UGC) based in Quebec. I love sharing my passion for travel, lifestyle, and entrepreneurship with others, hoping to inspire families to explore, connect, and find ways to build fulfilling lives. Whether it’s tips for memorable family trips, insights on business growth, or lifestyle inspiration, I'm here to help make the journey a little easier and a lot more fun!

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