Happiness is defined differently by everyone of us. What makes you happy may not be the same thing that makes others happy.
“The most simple things can bring the most happiness.” -Izabella Scorupco
What others consider to be a source of joy and fulfilment may turn you off.
For example, many people may attribute their happiness to their family and good health. Others may be concerned about their jobs and careers. It’s their money and social status in the community for some. Delicious food and drinks excite a large number of individuals like nothing else. The list goes on and on.
With that said, researchers have been debating a single definition of happiness for a long time. This is due to the fact that there are just too many variables that influence and contribute to one’s happiness. Happiness, on the other hand, is widely agreed upon as “the state of being happy.”
I understand that this description is still a little vague, but the idea is that happy is a mental state that incorporates the full range of feelings you experience on a regular basis. It expresses how you feel about your life, i.e. whether you’re satisfied or dissatisfied with your standard of living. If you’re dissatisfied, it’s clear that you’re not happy. However, if you are, congratulations!
The problem is that just because someone is happy does not mean they are immune to bad emotions. The opposite could not be further from the truth. People who are happy face problems and obstacles, but they cope with them differently than people who are sad. This is what distinguishes them from the rest of the public.
People who are happy are not easily deterred. They’re less prone to unpleasant feelings. Others are not allowed to walk all over them. People automatically gravitate towards them because their joy is contagious. When you meet someone who is truly happy, you can tell. They have the ability to practically light up a space simply by being present in it.
Whatever your own definition of happiness is, one thing is certain: we could all use a little more happiness in our lives. If everyone on this earth radiates happiness, the world will be a much better place to live.
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